A study of the details of patient interviewing, consent to assessment and treatment, scope of practice and standards of practice specific to the profession of therapeutic massage. Universal precautions to be followed by every health professional are also covered. No prerequisites required.
A practical approach to understanding the professional relationships and interactions between individuals, with emphasis on the client/therapist relationship. Topics include non-verbal communication, listening and hearing, appropriate vocabulary, appearance and body language, giving advice, gender differences, self-esteem, emotions and emotional expression, stages of illness, group dynamics, conflict resolution, problem-solving and public speaking. Emphasis is placed on the development and use of practice-oriented skills.
A broad introduction to business topics in areas related to the question "What is Business Management?". An exploration of concepts such as: business management in the small business environment; personal implications for small business entrepreneurship; corporate concept and general business development strategies; examining the internal and external business environments; planning, forecasting & analysis; and critical and analytical thinking skills development. No prerequisites required.
This course builds on the concepts introduced during Business 2813 by illustrating how the business manager can apply these concepts to business planning, with a firm emphasis on market planning. The full spectrum of market planning areas are introduced, including defining what marketing is (and, isn’t!), market research methodology and market segmentation, positioning, pricing, product/service life cycle, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), and customer satisfaction & service delivery. Prerequisite: Business 2813.
The final course in Business Management emphasizes skills development and operations in business management. Records identification and management, information technology, corporate policies, human resources, bookkeeping, an introduction to accounting, financial statements and ratios overview, selecting your team (professional support), budgeting and cash flow management, taxation, and corporate structure are examined. Prerequisite: Business 2823.
A focus on the management and production of the clinical documentation required to operate an efficient clinical practice. Various documents ranging from case histories and questionnaires, assessment forms to correspondence letters to various health and legal professionals are created. The student develops a pratical portfolio for use in future clinical practice.
A study of ethical behavior and practices required of health professionals, including the methods of dealing with ethical issues in practice. Detailed instruction and discussion on applicable New Brunswick legislation and on associations governing massage therapy in New Brunswick , including Codes of Ethics of associations. A review of the structure of healthcare in Canada and the interrelationship of massage therapy organizations in Canada . Preliminary review of Ontario legislation. No prerequisites required.
A detailed study of governing legislation in Ontario and Newfoundland/Labrador, including processes for complaints, discipline, incompetence, and incapacity, as well as the Quality Assurance Program. A focus on boundary and trust issues, and specific instruction on the basis and procedures of incorporation of a business, legal requirements for insurance and GST registration, preparation of medical-legal reports, employment contracts and testifying in court as expert. Outside speakers are invited from professional associations in New Brunswick . Prerequisite: Business 2923.
A study of the characteristics and types of research, the scientific method and how to find and read research in healthcare. A review of statistics, including validity, reliability and the measure of statistical significance. Prerequisite: Business 2923.
Atlantic College of Therapeutic Massage